Research, education, applications

Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Sciences

Get to know the Institute of Physical Chemistry,
Polish Academy of Sciences

The Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC PAS) in Warsaw is one of the best Polish scientific units dealing with chemistry in the broadest sense of the word and in its category it is ranked among the highest in the rankings of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The Institute was established on 19 March 1955 as the first chemical institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

At present, the IPC is strongly connected with the latest world directions of physical chemistry and chemical physics development.

The entity has the right to confer the academic degree of doctor and doctor habilitated in chemistry. We employ over 200 researchers, including 20 with the title of professor.

Lecture and seminars

23 Sept 2024

Heterogeneous Carbon Nitride Photocatalysis for Organic Synthesis and H2 Generation

Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Savateev, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Group seminar, IChO conference room
24 Sept 2024

Exploring Multifunctional Catalysis: Concurrent Alcohol Oxidation, Oxygen Reduction, and CO2 Utilization with Plasmonic-2D-SACs

Dr Nilesh R. Manwar
Team 28 Seminar, IChF Aula
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Lecture and seminars